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Use the following exercises to help strengthen and develop your triceps muscles, those at the back of your upper arm. When performing these exercises, breathe smoothly and deeply - focusing on working the muscle to be trained - maintaining good technique!

Our members area has the Internet largest collection of exercise description, plus further progressive workouts.

Triceps Workout

Close Grip Bench Press - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Weighted Dips - 2 Sets of 12 Reps
Rope Pushdowns - 2 Set of 15 Reps

Intermediate Workout

Close Grip Bench Press - 3 Sets of 8 Reps
Weighted Dips - 3 Sets of 12/10/8 Reps
Seated Triceps Extensions - 2 Sets of 12 Reps
Rope Pushdowns - 2 Sets of 12 Reps

Advanced Workout

Rope Extensions - 2 Sets of 15 Reps
Close Grip Bench Press - 3 Sets of 6 Reps
Seated Triceps Extensions - 3 Sets of 8 Reps

Weighted Drops - 2 Drop Sets* - Perform 8 Reps to failure then drop all weight and perform as many reps to failure
Clapping Diamond Push-Ups - 2 Sets to Failure

You’ll see the best results by adding the top exercises to build your triceps to your usual workout routine. When working on increasing muscle mass in triceps, remember that it’s important to take in the proper amount of nutrients and protein to sustain your exercises.