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Big arms. You want them. And we're talking about biceps and triceps here – not "fatceps." No one cares what your arm measures when it's coated in three inches of fat. If you don't have a single visible vein wrapping itself around your biceps then you've got work to do. Here's how to do it.

A Simple Rule for Arm Training

Before your next session arm, follow this simple rule to keep your elbows to get angry: biceps before triceps and biceps and triceps together.

Does your biceps work first. This will draw blood around the bend and give a bit of a "cushion" for the triceps after work. Also, always working arms together on the same day. I divided the arms of a certain number of times, but have always made the best progress by working biceps and triceps together.


1 – Switch-Grip Barbell Curls
2 – Incline Dumbbell Curls to Standing Hammer Curls
3 – Prone Incline Concentration Curls


And just like the biceps, depending on the year and how it is performed, some heads will receive more power than others. Of course, all the heads of the triceps will be "involved" in any movement to activate them, but what we are talking about is to direct the greatest amount of tension in a particular area.

1 – Knuckles-Down Swivel Bar Pushdowns
2 – Reverse-Grip Smith Machine Press
3 – PJR Pullovers