are plenty of reasons to strengthen your stomach, besides looking good
on the beach (though that’s not a bad bonus). A strong core, which
includes the abs, lower back, obliques, and psoas muscles, helps
stabilize your entire body, protects your internal organs, and makes
everyday movements, like carrying and picking up packages, feel much
This 10-minute bodyweight workout led by Sarah Kusch, a certified trainer and Grokker expert, works your entire body, specifically targeting the core muscles. But don’t let the short timeframe fool you: This is non-stop, stomach-sculpting action. The yoga-inspired warm-up alone got our heart pumping and muscles burning, and then a series of planks and reverse crunches left our abs feeling much stronger (and sore) when we finished. Click play below and get ready to feel the burn yourself!
1. Hollow plank

- Lie on your back with your arms and legs fully extended.
- Contract your abs and raise your hands and feet off the floor.
- Maintain this tension on your core for 20 seconds without letting your hands or feet touch the floor.

- Start in the top of the press-up position, then jump your feet forwards so your knees come towards your hands.
- From there kick your legs back and to one side, then bring your knees back into the middle and then out to the other side.
- Focus on keeping each jump smooth while maintaining tension on your working muscles.
3. Bicycle crunch

- Lie on your back, then crunch your torso up while lifting your feet from the floor.
- Crunch and twist your torso so your elbow comes forwards while bringing in the opposite knee, so they meet over your body.
- Reverse the move to the start position, then repeat with the opposite elbow and knee, making sure you keep your feet off the floor for the full 20 seconds.
4. Rolling plank

- Start in the plank, resting on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders.
- Roll to one side so that your hip touches the floor, then roll back to the other side so that hip touches the floor.
- Repeat, keeping the movement slow and controlled.

- Lie with your upper back off the ground, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Crunch and reach forwards with one straight arm to touch your ankle, then go back to the start and repeat on the other side.
- Keep your upper back off the floor throughout.
6. Side plank crunch

- Start in a side plank position resting on one forearm, with your elbow under your shoulder.
- Hold your top arm straight out next to your head with your top leg raised.
- Contract your abs to bring your elbow and knee together, then straighten both back out.
- Swaps sides for the second set.
7. Legs-together hip thrust

- Lie on your back with your legs together and raised off the floor, and your arms straight and on the floor.
- Contract your abs to lift and raise your glutes and lower back off the floor.
- Hold this position at the top, then lower back to the start and repeat.

- Perform a press-up then, as you return to the start position, go onto one hand to raise your torso and kick your leg through.
- Return to the start position, do another press-up, then repeat but kick through to the other side.
- Keep each rep smooth and controlled and make sure your abs are fully engaged to prevent yourself from falling over.
9. Plank with leg raise

- Start in the plank position, resting on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders.
- Brace your core, then raise one foot as high as you can, keeping your leg straight.
- Lower it again, then raise your other leg.
- Keep each rep smooth and controlled, and hold your foot in the top position briefly to really work the abs hard.