The weight may be light but you should expect a MASSIVE pump from the combination of supersets.... and - yep, you guessed it - it will leave your chest sore for DAYS!
If you're brave enough and are looking for a SICK pump, we recommend consuming the one and only MTS SWOLE Stack pre-workout... just be prepared for the skin splitting pumps to come!
Let's DO THIS!
Here is a sample chest workout where this exercise comes into play:
Bench press;
Incline bench press;
Pec deck flyes - 21's
Pec deck 21's are simply a way of splitting up one set into “mini” sets. Simply put, you perform partial reps of 7 at three different areas of the movement with moderate weight.
This exercise, if done properly will give your chest such a pump that it will expand and extra inch or two. As you can see, the full movement is to bring the arm pads together in one full movement. For 21's, you need to break this movement into 3 stages.
If you are familiar with the pec deck movement, a normal repetition is one where you bring your arms all the way to the top portion of the movement. Take a look at the image below.
Starting Position

Ending Position

My thanks to: Mega Pro Nutrition for providing this image.
I will perform the first part of the movement by bringing my elbows just shy of the half way point. Remember, I don’t do a full range of motion for the first part of the movement.
I only go about half way and then bring the pads back to the starting position. Once the 7 reps were completed, I will proceed to the second portion of the exercise.
For the second part of the exercise, I'll bring the pads all the way to the top position and than slowly let them down to the half way position. From there I will do 7 partial reps only going half way down. Remember, I don’t go all the way down. I only go to the half way position.
After 7 reps, I will perform the remaining 7 reps in a full movement. That is, I do 7 regular repetitions from the starting position to the ending position.
Believe me, after 4 sets of this movement, my chest would literally burn to the point of extreme pain. After a couple of workouts, my chest started to respond. If you don’t feel any burn, either your form is wrong or your not using enough weight. Try adding a few more pounds to the exercise if your not feeling any burn.
Keep this exercise in your routine for at least 8 weeks and I’m positive you’ll see an improvement in your chest.